I want to customize the Login/Logoff process with some user defined html sides. I have found a description to do this with a Java Servlet.
Is it possible to this modification in another way, than to use the Servlet?
Is it possible to modify the logoff.xts file?
Has anybody an answer or idea?
Every Tip is welcome,
i'm trying to do the same thing but at the moment i didn't find the way.
i will share the information i got with you and hope to find a solution.
1. if you are using cognos SDK - there is a way.
there an example of how to make a custom login page.
2. if you are not using SDK, and i'm not.
there is a way to replace the login page. all you need to do is create a default.htm under the webcontent. (replace the existing one)
and here a link for an exmaple (you will need to change the server url and namespace).
the problems are:
1. when the user would like to log off and login again -> they will see the original log on page
2. same result for session time out.
i'm using cognos 8.2
i hoped i helped someone
good luck