Hi everyone,
We are running Controller v. 8,4, and have finally finished setting up our Cognos Controller solution ;D
One of the finance managers who is responsible for preparing the reporting for the UK company has multiple sub departments (admin, sales etc.).
He would therefore like to know is it is possible to run reports for more departments at the same time because this will save him a lot of time.
One solution is to shift the running of reports to Excel link sheets, but I would like to avoid that.
Do anyone know if you can run the same report at the same time but for different departments/companies? Does it need to be built into the report.....
Or do you have an alternative solution.... ;)
Thanks in advance
Best regards,
FYI. All data comes from MS Dynamics AX, and we are using a citrix solution.
use the "report books". There you can select different parameters for every report and then you will get all combinations of your parameters as output.
define report/report books
run report/runs
Hi ReneeR,
I forgot to mention that we already use report books (PL, EXP and BS)
What the finance manager needs is a way, so he can avoid running the report books for all sub departments. E.g. first he runs the report book (PL,EXP and BS) for the consolidated UK company, and afterwards he also needs to run the same report book for the sub departments (sales, admin etc.).
And then in the end he copies all the excel sheets into one consolidated file and submits this to the country manager.
When you create a report, is it then possible for it to contain more departments - eg consolidated, sales, admin etc.?
Thanks for your reponse....
Hey Wisborg,
I need some more information are the departments sales, admin etc members of a dimension?
Basically when you define a report book you can select e.g multiple company codes with multiple members of the dimensions.
You can define one report that shows a PL for a few companys/dimensions or what ever you want. You have to add the requested parameter to the row or column definition.
Hi again,
E.g. the UK company (no. 4) is a "Group company" with 3 "Subsidiary - Sub unit".
Sales is no 4A, admin is 4B, retail is no. 4C etc.
As I understand you the problem is that the standard report (which is part of a report book) only contains the possibility to select one company code.
To solve the problem I should modify the report so it contains multiple company codes....
Is that correct?
If so then how do I do this....
You mention the possibility to "Add the requested parameter to the row or column definition."
As I see it I can only add company once...
And we have not setup any dimensions...
And if I successfully modify the report so it becomes possible to select 3 company codes, what then about the other companies who have none or only 2 Subsidiary - sub units - will they still be able to use the same report?
Thanks again!!
Best regards,
When you create a report and use the company dimension as a member of the row or column definition, instead of selecting a company yiou can select $$$$$$, which allows you to select the actual company (or several) when running the report.
With such a report, when running it you would select all entities you want to run it for, which can be anything from 1 to all entities in your system