I have a req to design a List report which i need to design as crosstab.For Eg:
Product type would be in Clolumn.all the product name values should appear also as column not as a row.and in the list the data would be of any measure.
Product type A B C
E Measure Measure Measure
F Measure Measure Measure
G Measure Measure Measure
Here A,B,C is the Product name dimension values.
I know this is easy to print in crosstab but i have req to print in the list.Please help me ASAP....... :(
Here is the exact requirement.
Product Type is the Hirarchy which i want to take as Row in the List.Other Hirarchy is Manufactures ,their members want to print in Row & list should display the Quantity.
Last one i can do by changing the datasourse value.But what will i do to print Manufacturer member as a ro.If i am taking each member one by one then It is showing value ionly for one member.
Please help it's urgent requirement.
You need to read up on how to denormalize , i.e. 'flattening' , the dataset in order to bring measures for different dimension values as seperate data-items. This can be done in the model (or by designing a new fact through the ETL proces) or by writing CASE expressions with total as aggregate setting.
Example of a typical case: