Hi ,
I need to schedule few reports in report studio and the reports goes to few business users. I want to attach a document along with it. Is there a way to attach a document when scheduling?
Kindly let me know if there is a way. Any help in this regard would be highly appreciated.
yes you can attach the scheduled report to your email while you are scheduling
under option select Override the default values then
select Send a link to the report by email then click on Edit the options...
there you can select to send link or attachment
Thanks for the reply. I do not want to attach the scheduled report. Once i schedule , the report goes to the user as attachment.
My requirement is, I need to attach some other word document as attached file and it should go to the users along with scheduled report. Is this possible?
try with go office i never tried it but
with go office you can save the word,excel formates on portal
try and let me know it should work
Please let me know in brief about "Go office" . I didn't get you ;
If ur report output is 'HTML' then u can provide a hyper link in the report output.
So when the user executes the report he can click on the hyperlink and access the word document also.