Dear All,
I have planning 8.1 Analyst and Manager with windows server 2003 OS and 8 Xenon 3.40 GHz CPU. earlier the server had 4 GB RAM. some of cubes are having cell count up to 5 crores or 50 millions and were not working properly.
so we decided to upgrade to 16 GB.
but now when ever I am tring to reconfigure the maximum work space I am getting a message that " Analyst can not take advantage of more than 2 GB RAM" and its reconfigurng the sever RAM to 2 GB. could you please explain about this limitation. and how to get reed of it. how to take advantage of added sever RAM?
thanks in advance.
(Please don't suggest to split the cubes its different issue we are already working on that)
You can't. 2 GB is a Windows OS 32-bit limitation on addressable memory. There is no 64-bit version of Analyst, so 2 GB is a hard limit.