Dear all,
Sorry for my bad english.
I need your help, because i have a probleme with report studio.
I'm using a package not a multidimensional cube.
I want to make a tuple with a date (year) and a value (revenue)
With a cube it's easy, you pick the desired dimension date in tree and the value ex: tuple ([YEAR 2008];[REVENUE]).
But in my package, i dont have tree, the date dimension is [Vue Ventes].[Date Facturation].[Année Facturation] with in many data: 11/11/2008, 01/01/2009, 03/01/2009, 15/02/2009 ........
It's not possible to make the tuple with a précise year or months without make a prior formula with something i don't know.
I have the same probleme with all dimension in the package (product, coutry, member,......)
How to extract a value to make it usable in the tuple ???
I tested with member, value, caption but unsuccessfully, probably with à lot of synthax error.
Someone can help me ???
Thanks .
if it's not cube (olap) you are not able to use this functions, tuple, member. caption .... is functions which works only with cubes
it's a DMR (ROLAP) ???