Hi All
Running on Linux
Upgraded 8.3 -> 8.4 BI Server, all went well (finally!)
Installed 8.4 Gateway on my webserver, imported 8.3 configuration.
Now when starting up Apache, I get in my error_log:
[Thu Aug 06 10:45:58 2009] [error] Failed to open /opt/cognos/c84/cgi-bin/mod2_cognosImpl.so, dlerror: /opt/cognos/c84/cgi-bin/mod2_cognosImpl.so: undefined symbol: _ZN9CCLThreadC2EP17CCLThreadRunnablem
Which throws an HTTP 500 error.
My LD_LIBRARY_PATH is set to include /opt/cognos/c84/cgi-bin
Hi again Grindel
Have you added the loadModule directive correctly ? I had a similar error (on Apache 1) when I forgot to load the module.
LOL thanks kolonell.
I am in fact loading the module. Pretty much the same config as my 8.3 installation (which worked fine). The "undefined symbol" error almost makes me think it's an LD_LIBRARY_PATH error, but that is set properly too. I've opened another ticket with IBM, and have talked to them a couple of times, but they haven't tweaked on to symbol error yet (maybe it has nothing to do with my problem, but since it's happening on webserver startup, I think the mod2_cognos.so isn't getting loaded properly).
Thanks man (or ma'am, whatever the case may be)
hahaha .. It 's man ;-)
If you want to verify the LD_LIBRARY_PATH the do the following after navigating into the c8/cgi-bin folder :
ldd mod2_cognos.so
You'll notice if something is missing among the dynamically linked libs.
Another thing that comes to mind is to check the contents of /etc/ld.so.conf. Try adding a line that references the c8/cgi-bin folder and then do
. Make sure it doesn't reference the old install though..
hehe...ok man...
Dang! That looked so promising when I read it, and there actually was a reference to the old 8.3 installation in the ld.so.conf file. Changed it, and ran ldconfig - no difference. Maybe I'll try a reboot of the whole environment - what could it hurt? BTW, I did do the "ldd mod2_cognos.so" already and it came back clean.
Will keep you posted....
HI Grindel
I suspect that somewhere in the apache envvars files something is redefining the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to point at your 8.3. This all depends on how you start
your apache Webserver. eg, If you start using /etc/init.d/httpd start then you might wan't to look in that script to see if something is overwriting the variable there.
Another thing that comes to mind. Apache usually starts up as root and then drops privileges to the user defined in the httpd.conf. The LD_LIBRARY_PATH should be set
correctly for both those user accounts.
One issue I encountered recently (with Apache) as well was that the cgi-bin folder needed to be added to the PATH variable. But I don't recall anymore what exactly the issue was. too many things going on atm ;-)
Yep - there was a reference to my 8.3 installation in the apachectl script. Nice catch! Page is rendering now, and anything that comes up from this point on, belongs to the application group LOL. My part is up adn running.
It's unfortunate that I wasn't involved in this thing from the beginning or I might have known about all the little things that were tweaked in order to get it to work. I appreciate your patience, and am thankful.
;D ... Nice ... that one's out of the ball park
> My part is up adn running.
oh man ... there goes my weekend then .. no more troubleshooting *sigh* ;-)