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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => COGNOS 8 Administration => Topic started by: grindel on 04 Aug 2009 12:00:18 PM

Title: Upgrading from c83 to steps....
Post by: grindel on 04 Aug 2009 12:00:18 PM
Hi All

I've installed the 8.4 BI server to a separate directory on the same machine as my 8.3 installation.  I copied over the following from 8.3 to 8.4:


Now when I try to start the on the 8.4 installation I get an "unable to generate server specific symmetric key" error.  Should I not be able to run at least the configuration? 

From what I've read, I should be able to start up the 8.4 server which would connect to the 8.3 database, realize that it is in fact 8.3, and subsequently upgrade the database content.  Unfortunately I'm not getting that far yet - I wanted to run the configuration and ensure that everything is pointed the way it should be.

I think I'm just missing something here, but can't decide what yet.

Title: Re: Upgrading from c83 to steps....
Post by: kolonell on 04 Aug 2009 01:09:55 PM
Hi Rick

I think the mistake was copying over the keystores from 8.3. In 8.4 the Default JRE was switched from Sun JRE to IBM JRE so I suspect the keystores aren't compatible. 

What you can do now is to (re)move those keystores (csk, signkeystore,encryptkeystore,certs) from the 8.4 folder and start the config tool again.
That will generate new crypto keys but will render the store passwords in cogstartup.xml unusable. Re-entering them through Cognos Configuration will fix that.   

Edit What I tend to do when moving between versions is export the configuration so it is stored in plain text. Then it can be moved to the new installation without issues
Title: Re: Upgrading from c83 to steps....
Post by: grindel on 04 Aug 2009 02:53:25 PM
Oh....I didn't know they had changed from SUN to IBM JRE.  I've been trying for a couple of days to download the installation and configuration manual but can't ever seem to get it to complete.  Since there isn't a JRE supplied with the Cognos installation on Linux, I think I'll have to go to the IBM site and find the JRE download.
Thanks for the idea....

Title: Re: Upgrading from c83 to steps....
Post by: kolonell on 04 Aug 2009 03:43:45 PM
Ah , you're running on Linux ... the Sun JRE (up to 1.5) is still supported so no need to go find an IBM one. just make sure you
copy over the bcprov***.jar file (that comes with 8.4) into the <JRE>/lib/ext folder of the JRE you use for C8.

Still I think you'll need to remove the keystores though.

And the documentation should already be in the <c8>/webcontent/documentation/ folder after you installed the product. 
Title: Re: Upgrading from c83 to steps....
Post by: grindel on 04 Aug 2009 04:20:23 PM
Good thing, because the IBM site seems to be having issues today - or maybe it's me having the issues.

So, I am using the SUN JRE, and have copied over the bcprov*** file from the c84 installation.  Also removed all the aforementioned directories.  However, still getting the same errors. I do have a call open with IBM (have had since last Thursday) but haven't had any contact fora couple of days.  Bumped to Sev 1 this morning, but still nothing. 

I'm sure it's just something to do with my Java, but I can't quite pin it down.  I'll keep sloggin away at it.  As is the usual case, I'll hammer on it for a couple of days, and finally get it working JUST 5 minutes before the support guys call me back asking where my progress stands LOL.

Thanks kolonell - I do appreciate the insights.
Title: Re: Upgrading from c83 to steps....
Post by: kolonell on 05 Aug 2009 02:50:06 AM
Hi Rick

Can you post the entire error message stack (screenshot, etc ) ? Another thing that comes to mind is to add the C8.4 /bin folder to LD_LIBRARY_PATH (and PATH if wanted). 
Title: Re: Upgrading from c83 to steps....
Post by: grindel on 05 Aug 2009 09:04:41 AM
Sure - the attached rtf file contains a couple of screenshots.  First, I get the message that "Older versions of configuration files were found - have been upgraded to the latest version"  This message appears every time I try to run  The second is the actual java message.  Note that the version of JRE indicated in the message doesn't really make any difference - I've tried all version of the SUN JRE from 1.5.0_14 up to 1.5.0_19 all with the same result.

The message in /opt/cognos/c84/logs/ipfInternal_java.log reads:

1     ERROR [main] - LogIPFControl::initCAMCrypto() - Cannot create CAM signing session.
CAM-CRP-1057 Unable to generate the machine specific symmetric key.
        at com.cognos.accman.jcam.crypto.SystemProtectionSession.decryptData(
        at com.cognos.accman.jcam.crypto.misc.Configuration$ContentHandler.convertToType(
        at com.cognos.accman.jcam.crypto.misc.Configuration$ContentHandler.endElement(
        at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.endElement(Unknown Source)
        at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLNSDocumentScannerImpl.scanEndElement(Unknown Source)
        at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl$FragmentContentDispatcher.dispatch(Unknown Source)
        at org.apache.xerces.impl.XMLDocumentFragmentScannerImpl.scanDocument(Unknown Source)
        at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source)
        at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XML11Configuration.parse(Unknown Source)
        at org.apache.xerces.parsers.XMLParser.parse(Unknown Source)
        at org.apache.xerces.parsers.AbstractSAXParser.parse(Unknown Source)
        at org.apache.xerces.jaxp.SAXParserImpl.parse(Unknown Source)
        at com.cognos.accman.jcam.crypto.misc.Configuration.parseConfig(
        at com.cognos.accman.jcam.crypto.misc.Configuration.getInstanceWithDefaultConfig(
        at com.cognos.accman.jcam.crypto.CAMFactory.initialize(
        at com.cognos.indications.LogIPFControl.initCAMCrypto(
        at com.cognos.indications.LogIPFControl.initialize(
        at com.cognos.crconfig.CRConfigFrame.initDataManager(
        at CRConfig.main(
2     WARN  [main] - LogIPFControl::initialize() - initCAMCrypto() failed, return false.
1     ERROR [main] - LogIPFControl::initCAMCrypto() - Cannot create CAM signing session.

That's the only logfile with anything in it.  Still waiting for response from IBM <sigh>

Title: Re: Upgrading from c83 to steps....
Post by: grindel on 05 Aug 2009 09:07:31 AM
Havin issues uploading.  I've now compressed the file and will try to post it here.
Title: Re: Upgrading from c83 to steps....
Post by: kolonell on 05 Aug 2009 12:43:04 PM
Hi Rick

Haven't been able to open the 'evil' RTF format yet but judging by the error (decryptData..) it's failing with the
encrypted passwords in the file.

Can you try moving the old config file out as well (so the tool creates a new one)   
Title: Re: Upgrading from c83 to steps....
Post by: grindel on 05 Aug 2009 03:19:44 PM
WooHoo!  Got it! 

I moved the old config file and replaced it with the original 8.4 file.  Started - this part always worked.  Once the configuration tool was running, I had to click "Save", and new keys were generated and written into the respective directories.  Shut down the config program, and moved my 8.3 config back into place in the 8.4 installation, and BAM!  the config program fired up and I could see all my original settings and information. 

All this, for not clicking the "Save" button.  My head is hanging low, in shame.

Thanks kolonell for the coaching - and don't think you've heard the last of me LOL.

Title: Re: Upgrading from c83 to steps....
Post by: kolonell on 05 Aug 2009 04:08:17 PM
> don't think you've heard the last of me LOL.
hahaha ... let 's see ;-)

>   My head is hanging low, in shame.
Nothing to be ashamed about, 

You did exactly what I had in mind .. well done (though freaky).

Good luck with the rest of the install/config ! ;-P
Title: cam-crp-1057
Post by: abinkunwar on 16 Sep 2011 11:09:36 AM
You also get following errors when you copy cogstartup.xml from a different location which not saved as plaintext. Woraround is simply open the original cogstartup.xml file make the changes.