Anybody can tell me what does cognos's processes mean?
For example, the process 'BIBusTKServerMain.exe'. I found it appeared when someone use the Analysis Studio. But why i often see 2 'BIBusTKServerMain.exe' at the backgraound ,why not 3? 4?
??? ???
Another issue, the process 'java.exe' for cognos in our server take 1.2G memory even more, and it can't be reduced by any actions.
Now me have to restart the Cognos server every week to let the java.exe take little memory.
We use the cognos 8v3.
As far as I know:
- The BIBusTKServerMain.exe is the Business Intelligence Bus, the process that executes queries to generate the reports. If you close this process you can't run any reports.
- The memory java.exe takes is set in Cognos Configuration and it is normal that it uses so much memory. If you reduce the maximum memory, performance will be affected.
The number of BIBusTKServerMain.exe processes is set in the dispatcher tuning part. (see admin part in cognos connection)
By default it's set to 2 max (maximum number of proceses for interactive reports, during peak period)
Each one, by default is allowed 4 report requests, so you have 8 max (default)
These values are changed, depending on the resources available in the server (ie x multicores and x amount of memory)
The java.exe is the tomcat server, which holds the 2 cognos servlets, which you see as the bi logic.
Cognos provides a 3 day training on this, called "IBM Cognos 8 BI Adminstration". It might be worth the investment.
On this note -
"The memory java.exe takes is set in Cognos Configuration and it is normal that it uses so much memory. If you reduce the maximum memory, performance will be affected".
We have a 2-CPU app server with 4 GB of total RAM. We have set our configuration to medium. We periodically restart Cognos 8 services to bring the java.exe down as it increases with Cognos usage. I guess we could increase our configuration to large to give more memory to java.exe but that would also mean we need to increase our RAM from 4 GB to 8 8GB. Is my understanding of the process correct?
That is correct.
And with large, you can accomodate about 1700 CONCURRENT users, so you probably need that.
Stick to medium, and then change the memory manually to 1024. That works in 99% of the cases.