I have this report that:
- Is made out of 2 queries.
- I have created a second query called "Summary" based on the first query named "Detail"
- The report ss made out of 2 pages.
First page has a simple cross tab + 3 "Combination Charts" based on the query "Summary".
Second page, has a simple cross tab + 3 "Combination Charts" also based on the query "Summary"
- So in total i display 6 "Combination Charts" on the report + 2 crossTabs
- The main reason i have created a second query is because i couldn't find a way to do a calculataion of ALL the products ...
- So i first created a "data item" in the first query with only "1" in the expression.
- Then i create another "data item" in the second query and put this in the expression:
count([Detail].[1] for any[Detail].[StoreKey] )
- Another reason to a second query is because i needed to FIRST execute some totals and then once those totals have been calculated, i needed to summarize that etc ...
I know that there is an option or propertie called "Solve Order" but that didn't seem to work for me.
- The report runs in 1 minute. I need to make the report execute under 15 seconds (if possible). I am NOt using "Use Local Cache"
on purpose because i need to make sure the report runs FAST even after the 2nd time it is executed.
- I am able to make the report run under 10 seconds BUT I NEED TO DELETE ALL 6 "combination charts" for that ...
- Is there anything sonmeone would suggest ? Or am i doomed with that execution time and to delete my 6 "combination charts" ?...
Thanks !