I have 2 jobs, the job1(child) should start loading only after completion of job2(parent). Both the jobs were schduled on the same time. Is there any way in data manager to check the completion stauts and then start.
Thanks in Advance
you can do this by keeping the status of these 2 jobstreams into a table and check using a condition node before the start of the second job starts.
I dont think there is another way using DM. Let me know if there..
Create another jobstream and add parent and chaild jobs as note to this.Create a variable(BOOLEN) and add a condition node after the parent job.write a condition as follows
If ($variable)
Return TRUE;
Return FALSE;
add a child job after the condition node.
you can add email node to notify the status of the parent job immidiatly after the condition node/parent job.
you can view the status in log files.