Does anyone have any good tuning tips for 8v4?
Cognos does not want to give them out anymore and the version change so much behind the scenes that what seemed good for one version does not seem to help the other.
I actaully think this should be its own thread here on cognoise.
General tuning tips...
Any help/ideas would be appreciated.
did you try tomcat tuning? by editing the system.xml you can increase maxProcessor and acceptCount settings.
Document "Performance Tuning Settings for IBM Cognos 8 BI " is somewhat helpful ( or use google).
It also describes same tomcat settings as cogknowhow site.
Both seem a little out of date, on my 8.4 FP1 installations parameters are initially maxProcessors=500, acceptCount=500.
Does anyone know that is the reasoning behind these tomcat settings or any rules (as for example in settings for maximum number of processes for the report service: use 2 processes per CPU)?
Cognos changes the items in the tuning category with each version of the tool. Does anyone have a tuning document for 8v4 to tune the config, iis, and tomcat?
Just trying settings is pretty lame..