Hi guys
iam up loading the access table in contrbutor, but iam getting error like'mandatory columns'missing'
please help me out.
thanks in advance
anil kumar
When importing an access table from a file, you receive the following error.
Mandatory columns missing "DimensionName".
Ensure that the dimension names (columns) within the import file are spelled correctly, and with the proper case sensitivity as states in the Analyst model.
Resolving the problem
A valid import file must contain the following columns:
A column for every dimension that the access table will apply to (mandatory).
The names of dimension items must be identical in spelling and case to the way they are in the Analyst model.
A column containing e.List items . If omitted, the access level applies to the whole e.List.
A column containing access levels (optional). The following access levels can be set HIDDEN, READ, WRITE, NO DATA (these are not case sensitive). If omitted, a default of WRITE will apply.