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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: aydakut on 29 Jul 2009 03:01:05 AM

Title: passing default values from list into graphic.
Post by: aydakut on 29 Jul 2009 03:01:05 AM
I have a combobox with 2 static choices that sorts the list report from worst to best as default selection and vice versa as a user choice. List report shows the sorted values on a dynamically changed time basis therefore the first value of the list may change month to month. What I am supposed to do is to show a graphic below the list report that takes its values of the first value of the list on the first run of the page as a default opening. After, the user can click any value in the list report to observe the related graphic.
Secondly, when the user changes the combo selection during the navigation of the report, again the graphic must be placed below with the first value of the list report and then the user may want to click any value in the list report to observe its graphic.
Should I use #prompt?
