I cam in this morning and was told that my Cognos 8.3 system wasn't working, I went to the portal and sure enough I am getting "The Cognos gateway is unable to connect to the Cognos BI Server. The server may be unavailable or the gateway may not be correctly configured". I check and all my services were up, bi bus, java were all present and in the normal size range. I tried restarting Cognos and even the server itself but still nothing!!!!!!!! Any one ever seen this behavior after a DB crash or know how to fix this?
Have you tried the following;
Start>>Control Panel>>Administrator Tools> Internet Information Services Manager (IIS)
and checked that the cognosisapi.dll or cognoscgi.dll within the Web Service Extension folder is set to 'Allowed'
Also check that your instance in the Aplication Pools folder is running.
I have checked that and everything is normal, I even tried re-creating the Virtual Directory with no luck. I can hit the dispatcher directly with no problems but the GW still produces this error.
Found a fix and wanted to share it...
Turns out that the crash somehow corrupted my configuration, even though everything looked correct. What I ended up doing is stopping Cognos on the server, deleting the Cogstartup.xml, csk, encryptkeypair and signkey pair items in the install loc\configuration directory. After that I manually reentered all settings for the config, started up Cognos and went to Cognos Connection without incident.
Hope this helps someone in the future...