i have created an interactive report (i.e. report with in-body prompts) that has 6 cascaded, auto-submit, dropdown list, they are pre-populated (i.e. all prompts are selectable even if its parent is not selected) value prompts. These 6 prompts are for 6 different levels of hierarchy.
My report also have other in-body prompts & it shows 6 top N lists for each level.
When i select any value for level 3 say X, report is filtering the data for X, prompt for level 4 to 6 will only show data relevant to X, and level 1 to 3 prompts will allow me to select everything. At this stage if i select level 4 (level 3 is already selected with value X) everything is fine, report is filtering data for level 4 and level 5 & 6 will show data related to selected level 4.
But now, if i want to deselect what i have selected for level 4 and want to go back to level 3 i.e. X (one level up), i am not able to that, because level 3 is already selected with value X (note:I can select any other value from level 3 prompt). What i need here is, somehow deselect other level prompts (or at least upper levels) once i select any other prompt.
Is there any way to do this?
Hi Uttam,
Not sure if I have understood your question correctly. If not correct me.
My understanding is that , after selecting a value in level 4 prompt for a selected value for prompt 3, you need to again see the data for all the values of level 4 prompt. Say for example; if the seleted value in level 3 is 'A' and for that selection say we have 1,2,3,4 as the values in level 4 prompt. Now once you select '1' in the level 4 prompt the data would be only for '1'. if you want to deslect this and want to see all data in the report tht is the data for values 1,2,3,4 you can just go and select prompt name of the level 4 prompt. that would refresh the data to level 3.
I have created a sample report with go sales and retailers package. please find the xml code attached.
Here selected any particular order number , then select a product type. if you wanted to go back and see all the product type again for the selected order number, just select the prompt name "Product Type" tht would refresh the data.
Let me know if this is what is your requirement.
Hi Sridevi,
thanks for attempting.. . (I thought no one is interested in this)
In your report, when you execute it for first time, you can see all Order number, Product Type & Product Name.
If you select any Order Number say 1153, you will get Product Type & Product Name related to 1153 i.e. it will allow you to select Cooking Gear, First Aid, Insect Repellents & Lanterns as a Product Type & from Product Name it will allow you to select Insect Bite Relief, Firefly 2, BugShield Extreme, Firefly Multi-light, EverGlow Single, EverGlow Butane, & TrailChef Canteen.
Now you select Cooking Gear as a Product Type, you can only see TrailChef Canteen in a available Product Name. Order Number has 1153 selected, Product Type has Cooking Gear selected & Product Name is not yet selected.
Now, you want to deselect Cooking Gear and want to see the details for order 1153 again, how you can achive that?
If you agin select 1153, it will not detect that as a change as its already been selected and report will not do anything (no auto refresh). The Only way i can think to achive this is somehow deselect other prompts when you select one.
There is one java script in Cognos Support site that does the similar thing, but it uses List Box & non-autosubmit prompts on prompt page (and not on report body, drop down list prompt - I modified the script but it is not doing what I want - I dont have any experience of java scripting). Link :
It is possible. You just need to select "Product type" , the one which lists first in the drop down. I mean the text Product Type
- - - - - - - -
When you select that the data gets refreshed and you will be able to see the data for all the product types under order 1153
yes, that is ok, but if list is big (50-60 rows) and if you have selected the bottom value, you need to scroll through the list to go to the first item (i.e. prompt name) to deselect it. It is not that usable (we are currently replacing the existing excel/vb based report with cognos - so this things are bit important)
it is just a kind of drill up thing I need to achive.
i have suggested use of tree prompt, but problem with tree prompts is that we can not have auto-submit - even if we ignore this - main problem is when you do the refersh(re-prompt), tree will collapse to top level!!!
Hi Uttam,
I met the problem "...- main problem is when you do the refersh(re-prompt), tree will collapse to top level!!!",
Is there a solution to prevent "tree collapse" ?
I am usin cognos BI 8.4
thanks in advance!