My current environment is Cognos Planning 8.4:
I load 4 prior weeks of data to large applications aka (3 apps with 17,000 elist items)
Every week, sometimes more, the load fails with the following error:
Failed HRESULT [0x80040267] :Unable to execute macro 'Account_Planning_Morning_Load'~~~~Unable to execute macro step 'Execute an Administrator Link'~~~~The 'INTER_APP_LINKS' Job is at state 'CANCELLED'.~~~~2009-07-23T08:19:25.157+00:00~~~~Machine details: DOMAIN\ServerName~~~~User details: DOMAIN\UserName~~~~Process ID / Thread ID: 7612 / 4416~~~~Source: <SupplementalInfo><Source>Run Import Links</Source><StackInfo><ErrorGuid>{165DEA2F-487C-4ABD-99D4-81F1CF0AF948}</ErrorGuid><StackPosition>3</StackPosition><PreviousUserDomain>CARTERS</PreviousUserDomain><PreviousUserName>cognosadm</PreviousUserName><PreviousComputerDomain>CARTERS</PreviousComputerDomain><PreviousComputerName>ServerName</PreviousComputerName></StackInfo></SupplementalInfo>~~Error Number: 1~~Line Number: 390~~Description: Unable to execute Job Item~~~~Unable to run the Planning Data Import Service using command: cd /d "E:\Program Files\cognos\c8\bin"~~"E:\Program Files\cognos\c8\bin\jre\1.5.0\bin\java.exe" -Xms32M -Xmx128M -DentityExpansionLimit=200000 -Dorg.jawin.hardlib="E:\Program Files\cognos\c8\bin\jawin.dll" -jar "E:\Program Files\cognos\c8\bin\epModeledDataImport.jar" "e:\temp\0001 Morning Load Account Planning6_ImportFile.xml" "101:deec3e41-e471-1d05-e282-c56ff7810b8e:2325226521" "http://ServerName:9300/p2pd/servlet/dispatch"Unable to parse the Data Manager return xml document. Please see the e:\temp\dmresult_0001 Morning Load Account Planning6_Thu Jul 23 04_19_24 EDT 2009.xml log file to view information that may have been returned from Data Movement Service~~~~~Result was: e:\temp\dmspec_0001 Morning Load Account Planning6_Thu Jul 23 04_19_24 EDT 2009.xml~e:\temp\dmresult_0001 Morning Load Account Planning6_Thu Jul 23 04_19_24 EDT 2009.xml~~~~~Unable to run the Linkstep.~~~~~~Job Item GUID: {C5DB7B51-ABE3-43C3-AC74-B2AC8141CD7A}
When I look at the DM Result i get:
java.lang.RuntimeException: AxisFault reason: (500)Internal Server Error
I have had this ticket opened and closed with Cognos Support and have not gotten eanything. I have also tried all the Ideas in the Support KB. Any help would be great.