How to set commit interval in data manager ?
How to verify weather commit interval is working or not ?
You set the commit interval on a fact build in the Delivery Module properties. There is a tab for Module properties. Different delivery modules call it different things. Relational Table Delivery calls it Commit Interval, but DB2 Load Delivery calls it SAVECOUNT so it just depends which type you are using.
You can check it by changing the Logging of the build to include Detail & Internal. Then just run the build and watch the log.
First of fall thanks!!!! Lot.....
I have done and sated commit interval on a fact build in the Delivery Module properties 10,000 row and i have checked log file and its showing correct that 10000 row delivered then 20000....... row
But my concern is before execution of Fact build job table space size is 0% but after execution of fact build job table space is occupying 74% so when tommorrow scheduled fact build job is executing then fact build job getting failed due to table undo space segment.
So i am looking for permanent solution or need to re-size the table undo space in week, could you please advice me.....
Waiting for your response......... and thanks!! once again
Quote from: realsubodh on 24 Jul 2009 06:59:02 AM
First of fall thanks!!!! Lot.....
I have done and sated commit interval on a fact build in the Delivery Module properties 10,000 row and i have checked log file and its showing correct that 10000 row delivered then 20000....... row
But my concern is before execution of Fact build job table space size is 0% but after execution of fact build job table space is occupying 74% so when tommorrow scheduled fact build job is executing then fact build job getting failed due to table undo space segment.
So i am looking for permanent solution or need to re-size the table undo space in week, could you please advice me.....
Waiting for your response......... and thanks!! once again
I wish I could be more help, but I don't have much dba experience.... just some knowledge of Data Manager. The only reason I knew about the Commit Interval is because our transaction log was filling up without it in place. Hopefully someone else here can answer your question for you.
Thanks!!! again....
Just i want to know from your side.... that maximum we can do from data manager side or data manager side is fine as per your understanding right ?
Quote from: realsubodh on 24 Jul 2009 10:28:49 AM
Thanks!!! again....
Just i want to know from your side.... that maximum we can do from data manager side or data manager side is fine as per your understanding right ?
As far as I know that is about all you can do from Data Manager to try and solve your issue. I don't know of any other "setting" in Data Manager that you could tweak that would resolve it.
Thanks you so much!!!!
If you really wants to acheive this ... you may need to go for an SP. This looks not the right approach , but may work depending on the situation