I have a package that contains a hierachical query. I have defined it as follows..
select stuff
from table
START WITH item=#prompt('TopLevel', 'char')#
CONNECT BY PRIOR item = item_parent
I then create reports in report studio based on this package and query.
My probelm is it always prompts for TopLevel. What I would like is to give this parameter a value in the report.
So for example I would like to create 3 different reports, each with a different TopLevel parameter and then just have the reports run without prompting.
Does anyone know if this is possible and how I go about doing this?
Create the parameter as
#prompt('TopLevel', 'char','x')#
here the parameter takes x as value.
I hope it will works for you.
Thanks Chandra,
The problem with your solution is the prompt is defined in a package so I can't give it a value there as you suggest. This package is used by our users and I want them to be able to supply the value in their reports without being promted everytime. This is because they will then supply these reports to their users and they won't know what to put in the prompt.