I have a jobstream that runs all the dimension builds with a CheckStatus condition node. If all the dimensions built properly then the fact build executes. Occasionally, it appears that the Condition Node hangs up. Here is part of the jobstream job log. FineLineB is the last DimBuild the condition node appears to be waiting on, which it believes completed over an hour later.
[INTERNAL - 04:07:37] Condition Node 31 'CheckStatus'; Pending -> Waiting
[PROGRESS - 04:07:37] Condition Node 31 'CheckStatus'; waiting for other nodes to complete
[INTERNAL - 05:29:16] DimBuild Node 27 'FineLineB'; Executing -> Succeeded
[PROGRESS - 05:29:16] DimBuild Node 27 'FineLineB'; succeeded
However, I looked at the FineLineB Dimension build log and it actually completed at 4:04:58.
[PROGRESS - 04:04:49] Dimension Build 'FineLineB' - run id 49, audit id 1500
[PROGRESS - 04:04:49] Dimension Build 'FineLineB'
[PROGRESS - 04:04:58] Table 'D_FineLineH': 152 insert(s)
[PROGRESS - 04:04:58] Done - 0 00:00:18 elapsed
dimbuild -- completed (21-Jul-2009 04:04:58)
I was just wondering if anyone here has ran into this before?
can you tell me what you have added inside the condition node
I have a "Status" result variable for each Dimension build in the job stream. The condition node checks each of these variables. If they all come back True (all dim builds executed normally) then the process will execute the fact build. If any of the dimension builds fail then the fact build will not execute and an Email Node is executed to notify us of the issue.
Normally this process works correctly... it is only on occasion that there is a big delay for no apparent reason.
Your codes looks fine by me. Is this happens for only one node, please try to recreate that again...It helped me this approach for sometimes in cognos. sorry for no any other suggestion