- The IBM Cognos Community

General Discussion => Introduce yourself and your company! => Topic started by: jonnyrt on 28 Nov 2005 11:21:14 AM

Title: Independent Consultants
Post by: jonnyrt on 28 Nov 2005 11:21:14 AM
Are there any independent consultants in here?
Title: Re: Independent Consultants
Post by: cognostechie on 28 Nov 2005 10:30:15 PM
Yes, I am and I am sure there are more. Some User IDs indicate that too.

But why?
Title: Re: Independent Consultants
Post by: cognostechie on 28 Nov 2005 10:30:36 PM
..sorry, clicked twice so deleting the text of this one.
Title: Re: Independent Consultants
Post by: jonnyrt on 05 Dec 2005 12:48:28 PM
Looong story.  Can you talk off-line?
Title: Re: Independent Consultants
Post by: cognostechie on 07 Dec 2005 08:09:24 PM
Ok, but how? Not sure if I can put my e-mail address here.

Cognoise Admin..can you send him my e-mail address or send me his?
Title: Re: Independent Consultants
Post by: COGNOiSe administrator on 07 Dec 2005 10:53:21 PM
Done! (for future reference - just drop me a line at I often miss posts re messaging)

Title: Re: Independent Consultants
Post by: COGNOiSe administrator on 08 Dec 2005 05:29:34 PM
Please note that all job ads should be directed to which helps support this forum.

Title: Re: Independent Consultants
Post by: Blue on 11 Dec 2005 08:11:45 PM
I'm sure there are many!  I'm one.
Title: Re: Independent Consultants
Post by: jonnyrt on 12 Dec 2005 12:28:28 PM
 As a company we pro-actively meet and get to know the independent consultants we work work with.   We don't post job adds.  Many other companies find the jobs, then scurry around for the talent.  We seek out the best talent in the market, build relationships and then match them up with qualified consultant openings.   
Title: Re: Independent Consultants
Post by: sophiak on 12 Dec 2005 07:43:31 PM

I think I understand where you are coming from (and I am interested to hear more) but this forum community is different to others. It's a bit corny but I love it. There is a sense of community that you don't find around alot.

So it sounds like you are trying to find consultants to work for you (and hopefully I might be one of them if the terms are right) but I don't want to see cognoise deteriorate to just being a job board. We should follow the process and advertise your interest via jobnoise. This way, it is unobtrusive and you also support the community. However you dress up your requirement, you are trying to get people to work for you so I think it is pretty transparent.

Support the community and it will support you - that, I guess, is how relationships work (hope you don't mind my paraphrasing).

Hope you put your ad up as I would like to see which locations you cover.

Good luck
Title: Re: Independent Consultants
Post by: jonnyrt on 13 Dec 2005 08:27:54 PM

I hear ya on the community.Ã,  This is a great site and I'm glad to have found it!!!Ã,  Ã, This catagory is - Introduce yourself and your company....Ã,  The company I work for and the link to our website is in my profile.Ã,  Ã, We work with independent consultants- and pro-actively seek out the best of the best.Ã,  Initially, I wasn't sure if there were a lot of independents that knew about Cognoise... which was the reason for my initial post.Ã,  I don't have a specific requirement that I'm trying to dress up.Ã,  
