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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: arnout on 17 Jul 2009 07:47:49 AM

Title: Web link from concatenated info in a report, possibly clickable
Post by: arnout on 17 Jul 2009 07:47:49 AM

Hi all,

Working with report writer....
I am trying to get a URL in a case report to quickly review the case notes.
The URL would look like e.g.

so to get it in we need
And of course the case id:
[Open Case overview].[Case ID]

How can you get those 2 together in 1 field…?
I tried several expressions…
And if that works .. could we make it a “clickable URL”….?
That would be even greater

Many thanks for anyone who can give some hints to accomplish this :)

Title: Re: Web link from concatenated info in a report, possibly clickable
Post by: billylodz on 17 Jul 2009 08:26:59 AM
create query item

'<a href="http://some_URL/case_notes.php?case=' + [Open Case overview].[Case ID]"target="_blank">'link description'</a>'

if it's list insert HTML Item inside list and as Source Type  choose your Item