Hi All,
I have found some strange thing. I am developing reports using cognos 8.2. Db used is Sybase 15.0.3. I created a data source using Sybase CT Lib and tried to create a report.
Here comes the problem...i tried pulling a field whose type is "CHAR" and size defined for that is 100. I have roughly 4000 records in DB, but my report is pulling only 1200 records. If i pull any other field(size of which is less than or around 50) i get all records. Is there any size limit for Sybase CT Lib to fetch data from DB?
I tried work around and created another data source with type as "ODBC" and tried running the report. It fetched all the records.
I have three restrictions from customer
1)Data source using ODBC cannot be used
2)DB admin is not ready to limit the size of field.
3)Display of that field in the report is a must.
Can anyone suggest us work around to get all the records using native driver and without limiting the size of column in DB?
Thanks in advance.
This is happening because blank rows are ignored. If you pull a key column with this one, you will likely get all of your records.
Best regards,
hi yousuf,
We are struggling to connect sybase 12.5 with cognos 10.2.2.
We are unable to create a data source using the CT-lib.
Could you mention the steps or guide me to the resource of successfully creating the data source.
We understand its been 6 years since you came across it.
We have a similar restriction
Data source using ODBC cannot be used
Anyone else facing a similar problem and can suggest a solution?
Thanks in advance
Quote from: napster_gr8 on 26 Aug 2015 05:24:10 AM
hi yousuf,
We are struggling to connect sybase 12.5 with cognos 10.2.2.
We are unable to create a data source using the CT-lib.
Could you mention the steps or guide me to the resource of successfully creating the data source.
We understand its been 6 years since you came across it.
We have a similar restriction
Data source using ODBC cannot be used
Anyone else facing a similar problem and can suggest a solution?
Thanks in advance
This is a very old post in the Cognos 8 section of the forum. I'd suggest you create a new post in the Administration section of the Cognos 10 area.