Imagine the situation, when we have 2 servers with EP. version is 8.4
The model is being made and tested on the first server. After we think that the model is working correctly we move it on the second server where users are working with it.
What we have to do to move the model from the first server to the second one correctly and without big efforts. What we have to do at first time (when we move the model first time) and at following times when the model is changed.
For example - Had we use the same name of server? I don't see problem to move Analyst libraries at first time. But that is the better way to change them on the second server when they will be changed on the first. Remove old version and attach new?
Apparently we can move Contributor applications by Import/Export in CAC. But is it possible to move planning and content store and changes in them?
Thank you for answers.
Do you have people other than admins working in Analyst? If so then you would need to move the analyst libraries.
Your issue here is that you dont have a way to make changes to the model and keep existing production data. You would be copying over the data files as well if you moved the entire library.
If your end users are only using contributor then I would say you dont need to copy over the analyst libraries from a test to prod server. You could if you wanted to and save off each version of the library as you make changes so you have the structure to synch back to at each change. You dont necessarily need to do this on a different server though.
There are yet more issues with copying analyst libraries though as if you use the built in copy functionality the contrib app will not synch to the library since the underlying elist ID/GUID will be changed. Most likely would need to manually copy the folder and save it off.
In the end, the likely best scenario is to create the app in the dev environment. Then import the app into the production environment. Once imported make sure the production app is pointed to synch with the analyst library in the dev environment. You now have two applications synched to one library for model changes. Each time you make major model changes, manually save the Analyst libary as a backup, etc. You should be able to toy and tinker with the model in dev without affecting the prod app, and once your changes are made you can simply synch your prod app. If the synch doesnt work then roll back the model in your database, worst case scenario is to synch the model with your backed up analyst library.
Long winded but this is what I would do, anyone else run this before?