Hi Everyone,
I'm trying to set up a drill-down in Report Studio (Cog 8.3)
i have 4 levels, and each one of the 3 upper levels contain 5 columns. I want to drill-down using those columns, but without having to make up a separate bottom level (detail) for each column.
The columns are equal to either 1 or 0.
I have no problem setting this up with multiple reports, but I was guessing there is a way to do this down to one, passing variables.
Example: Column B | Column C | Column D.
I want to click on one of those (they age categories) and have them drill to the correct data - only column b, or only column c, or only column d data shows. Again, the data in the columns is just a count, so it's equal to either 1 or 0 (Text format)
Thanks for any help,