I need to implement the below query. But this does not work in an expression. It throws the error.Please let me know how to be done.
Except(Filter([Price Analysis].[Product].[All Products].Children,
InStr([Price Analysis].[Product].CurrentMember.Name, "GIRL") > 0),
Filter([Price Analysis].[Product].[All Products].Children,
InStr([Price Analysis].[Product].CurrentMember.Name, "TEEN") > 0))}
Let me know if more information is required. Any help in this regard will be appreciated.
You seem to be using MDX functions (Except and Filter) and Relational functions (InStr).
I am assuming you want all the categories in Products except GIRL and TEEN.
You can create a data item, call it Exception = set([GIRL],[TEEN])
Your expression would then be
Except([Price Analysis].[Product].[All Products].Children, Exception)
Let me know if my assumption is wrong
No I Want to display all the name start with teen but not start with girl.
try this
filter( children([Price Analysis].[Product].[All Products]), (caption(<LEVEL_NAME>) like 'TEEN%'))
this would bring in only names starting with TEEN
Thank you very much for the reply.
Now i want to include the below condition along with TEEN ,
([CUBE].[Product].[Part Description].[Part Description], [Sales Revenue] > 1000
Please let me knw the correct syntax. I am not aware of the MDX queries and it throws the error.Please let me know.