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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: sanchoniathon on 14 Jul 2009 01:27:18 PM

Title: Differences between Calculated Measure and a Data Item ?
Post by: sanchoniathon on 14 Jul 2009 01:27:18 PM


I have these 2 reports which are ALMOST identical.
The first one runs in 5-1o seconds.
Second report runs in 1 minute.

First report uses CALCULATED MEASURES created by us in the query.
Here is an example of what these calculate measures have as EXPRESSIONS:
   tuple([Waste store Amount $];[1])

Second report uses DATA ITEMS created by us in the query.
Here is an example of what these data items have as EXPRESSIONS:
   tuple([Waste store Amount $];[1])


Is it possible or does any of you know of any PERFORMANCE issues when using calculated measures VS data items ??
I need to know why one of the report is running much FASTER than the oher ?...

Thanks in advance !
Title: Re: Differences between Calculated Measure and a Data Item ?
Post by: crn.siva on 15 Jul 2009 05:28:38 AM

When working with dimensional data sources, create Calculated Members or Calculated
Measures where the expression is a member or a tuple-based (as opposed to property-based)
value expression

i think the calculated measure is tuple based thats why the first report runs fastly insted of using data item in second report.

please let me know, if another way.
Title: Re: Differences between Calculated Measure and a Data Item ?
Post by: sanchoniathon on 17 Jul 2009 08:28:14 AM
Hello kss001,

- Just a clarification, the first report that is running in 5-10 seconds is using the
  Data Items and the second report, which is taking 1 minute is using Calculated

- Thanks for the information

- We are using a package that is pointing to a BW cube.

Anyhow, i am still not sure why one runs faster as for other reports that uses calculated measures are running fast. Maybe something in conjunction with the tuple and the calculated measure and other thing in the problematic report is making it slow to run ??

Mmore information to come if i have more.

Thanks !