Hi ,
Ia m unable to use NOT LIKE Function. I have applied a filter
[PA_CUBE].[Bill To Customer].[Customer Name].[Customer Name] not like '%SIMPLEX%'
I want to eliminate all the records that starts with the customer name 'SIMPLEX'. I tried using caption keyword before the filter as the data source is a cube, but does not work.
It throws the error below:
Invalid coercion from 'level' to 'string' for '[PA_CUBE].[Bill To Customer].[Customer Name].[Customer Name]' in 'not ([PA_CUBE].[Bill To Customer].[Customer Name].[Customer Name] like '%SIMPLEX%')'.
Any help in this regard would be appreciated.
Thanks a lot.
use caption( around the cube element.
caption([pa_cube].[bill to....[].[]) not like ('%string%')
P.S. May need to add () around the string as well.
Thank you for the reply. But ,
caption([pa_cube].[bill to...[].[]) not like ('%string%')
does not work . It throws an error an as:
RQP - DEF-0149
The query specification is incorrect.
Please let me know what to be done.
Thank you very much for the reply. caption works fine.