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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: sridhar_cheepu on 10 Jul 2009 05:47:03 AM

Title: The request failed because the associated report service process is unavailable
Post by: sridhar_cheepu on 10 Jul 2009 05:47:03 AM
Hi ,

when we are running the drill through report we are getting error like “Report server not responding” and some times “The request failed because the associated report service process is unavailable”.

Could you please any one help me to resolve this error.  Please review the Attachement for clear understanding of error.


Title: Re: The request failed because the associated report service process is unavailable
Post by: BIsrik on 10 Jul 2009 06:04:08 AM
Is this error coming whenever you run the drill?...

Title: Re: The request failed because the associated report service process is unavailable
Post by: Mpotla on 15 Jul 2009 09:48:08 AM
chek the below if that helps you

•   Error Message: DPR-ERR-2077 The request failed because the associated report service process is unavailable.

Root Cause:
Report has a graph using a query that has "Processing" set to "Database Only".

In Report Studio, for any queries that are used by a graph, make sure Processing is set to Default or Limited Local.
Title: Re: The request failed because the associated report service process is unavailable
Post by: sridhar_cheepu on 20 Jul 2009 12:16:28 AM
Yah i have checked the queries and those are all set to default and this error is coming while i am runnig the drilthrough(details) report And as well i am getting the same error even while running detail report independently.
Title: Re: The request failed because the associated report service process is unavaila
Post by: Mpotla on 20 Jul 2009 03:55:14 PM
what if u explicitly enable local processing  and also try extracting th native query and using it as passthrough/native .... may be try these and see if ur still getting those errors?
Title: Re: The request failed because the associated report service process is unavailable
Post by: josepherwin on 30 Jul 2009 12:31:33 AM
We've had exactly the same issue... although in our case, none of our reports is actually a drill-through report, it's just a simple list report.

Is your cognos architecture contain multiple app servers by any chance?