Hi All,
we have two cubes created using .imr as iqds, which has the functions like
cdatetime((cdate((curdate()))) + cinterval(8)))),
I have to redesign the similar cubes with slight changes in the coding using Cognos 8.
Can anybody help me the purpose of those functions ,the equivalent function in Cognos 8 FM.
Thanks in Advance
Hi Mohan,
I have exactly same requirement. Do you have any clue for
cdatetime((cdate((curdate()))) + cinterval())),
The CDate function converts Numbers, Strings, DateTime, and YYYY, MM, DD values to date values.
The CDateTime function converts Numbers, Strings, Dates, YYYY, MM, DD, and HH, MM, SS values to DateTime values.
Perhaps the cast function would be the first place to look. Would depend on the nature of the data..
Thank you for your response. Do you have any clue for cinterval().
Thanks in Advance