I'm using Cognos 8.3 and have a chart legend that displays the first 5 series but not the remaining 10. It truncates and displays an arrow which is non-functional. Any ideas on how to fully display the legend would be greatful.
Cognos Newbie
There is a trucation option in your legend options. Unfortunately, I think that it only effects the truncated words. Click on the legend though and try it first. If you look through the properties, there amy be something else that effects it as well. If there is a "size and overflow" setting for legend, try to adjust that. It could help.
Best regards,
I think it can be done in 8.3 by moving the legend to the bottom and formatting to display in multi-line.
I posted a solution last year in communities.cognos.com but I can't find it now since they moved to IBM. I'll update if I find it.
Okay looks like this is how I did it last time.
You have to set Abs Position and then define an area so all fits in that.
I've tested and works fine.
Thanks for the advice.