I am getting below error while pulling a measure from dimensionally modelled package in analysis studio:
PDS-PPE-0104 A record was rejected. An arithmetic overflow occurred. PDS-PPE-0104 A record was rejected. An arithmetic overflow occurred. (Data).
As i looked at data for this measure, found that the significant digit for measure is of 13 digits after rolling. So please let me know how to get rid of this error.
Thanks in adv.
use cast function.
I used cast function as well...Actually i am using calculation as :
CAST((Measure1 * Measure2),DECIMAL(18,2)).
But Still it is giving the same error. Please help me as it is an urgent requirement.
What worked for me was finding and correcting the record that was being rejected. I created an SQL statement in TOAD that selected records with measures of 18 positions from the tables my report was using. It returned two records with bad sales data. I brought them to our business analyst who confirmed they were bad. He fixed the two records and the query functions properly.