Does anyone know if there is any documentation for the epmodelsizereader? I know a little bit of how to use it, but it would be interesting to see the full documentation. Also when I browsed the bin folder of the server installation the other day I found two interesting exe files. One called epTestGen.exe and one called epReconciliationProgress.exe. Those seem to be some kind of analysis tools as well so it would be very interesting to know how to use them and how to interpret the results.
EP Model Size reader is typically used to give you an idea of how big your model is after cut down. In the CAC you can only see the largest number of cells per E List slice even if you cut downs and access tables allow you to have much smaller amounts. The printout basically gives you a per cube cell count after cut down for the selected node.
epReconciliationProgress.exe can be run to give you an idea of where a reconcile job is in the process and if items are failing it will tell you at which node it failed at. If possible it will also give you the ability to repair the node that the reconcile stopped at. You could then run a GTP to continue and finish the Reconcile.
Im not sure about epTestGen.exe
I believe most of these tools were used as test programs for the Cognos Developers and I don't believe there is actual released documentation for these items other than what you can find in the KB.
This tool will only give you an overall view of which nodes are reconciled and which aren't, this is the only purpose of this tool now