I am using Planning 8.1
In a D-Cube I need to identify the year from a timescale D-List.
On another D-List I know I can use the Time bif. BUT I can not use a date format that only displays the year, e.g. YYYY in contributor when using this Bif. The only formats that can be used are similar to dd/mm/yy.
Has any open found an alternative way of achieving this?
Found solution, thanks
Please share the solution, it may help other users in the future.
This is one of those problems which can be achieved but not by a direct route.
The Bif function @time returns the time period from the time D-List. However, as indicated in a previous post if you use the date format YYYY on a @time Bif it is not recognised by Contributor.
The solution is to not use a date format, but to use additional rows. The three rows are indicated. None of which have any formatting.
RowA, @Time(4)
RowB, Conditional Calculation, (RowA/365.25)+1900
RowC, @TRound(1;D;RowB)
Of course for this to work you need to have a time D-List in your cube.