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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => COGNOS 8 Administration => Topic started by: hiddenkirby on 27 Jun 2009 10:38:14 AM

Title: How to merge report changes into existing report
Post by: hiddenkirby on 27 Jun 2009 10:38:14 AM

We currently have a manual process when we update reports on live.. from our test environment.... to manually merge changes into our new development environment.

This is tedious. Is there a way to automatically merge two version of the same report so both changes take?

Is it possible to merge the xml report specs of the two? without any issues?

Title: Re: How to merge report changes into existing report
Post by: COGNOiSe administrator on 05 Jul 2009 12:35:23 AM
Please take a look at BSP Software's Integrated Version Control at (  Integrated Version Control is unique to the market in that it provides true integration into the Cognos environment. 

IVC is the ONLY Real-Time, Transparent and Truly Integrated Versioning and Governance, Risk and Compliance Solution for IBM Cognos.

    * Directly integrated into IBM Cognos 8 BI Studios and IBM Cognos Connection.
          o Versioned content is secured by existing IBM Cognos 8 security.  Consumers must have access to the report to see previous versions.
          o Prior versions are archived real-time as Authors save existing content within any supported Studio, regardless of where they store the current version (Public or My Folders).
          o Prior versions are accessed through the applicable Studio or through IBM Cognos Connection.
          o Recovery of versioned specifications is done with the click of a button.
    * Security is integrated within Cognos Capabilities.
          o Enable and disable IVC features through the IBM Cognos secured functions and features.
    * IVC Administration console integrated directly within Cognos Administration.
    * Integrated Change Management with elaborate workflow.
          o Report locking capabilities to prevent multiple Authors from simultaneous development.
    * Support for an unlimited number of previous versions to be stored and recovered.
    * Preview any two versions side by side visually to compare visual differences.
    * Preview any two versions side by side programmatically (XML specification comparison) to compare syntax differences.
    * Supports both Public and Personal (My Folders) authored content.
    * Promote reports between development, test and production environments.
    * Real-time studio monitoring to determine what users are currently editing which reports in a given studio.
    * Broadcast messaging to users that are currently working in any studio information such as, “The server is going to be rebooted. Please save your work and exit.”