We currently have a manual process when we update reports on live.. from our test environment.... to manually merge changes into our new development environment.
This is tedious. Is there a way to automatically merge two version of the same report so both changes take?
Is it possible to merge the xml report specs of the two? without any issues?
Please take a look at BSP Software's Integrated Version Control at http://www.bspsoftware.com/Products/ImplementationBasedSoftware/IntegratedVersionControl/tabid/65/Default.aspx (http://www.bspsoftware.com/Products/ImplementationBasedSoftware/IntegratedVersionControl/tabid/65/Default.aspx). Integrated Version Control is unique to the market in that it provides true integration into the Cognos environment.
IVC is the ONLY Real-Time, Transparent and Truly Integrated Versioning and Governance, Risk and Compliance Solution for IBM Cognos.
* Directly integrated into IBM Cognos 8 BI Studios and IBM Cognos Connection.
o Versioned content is secured by existing IBM Cognos 8 security. Consumers must have access to the report to see previous versions.
o Prior versions are archived real-time as Authors save existing content within any supported Studio, regardless of where they store the current version (Public or My Folders).
o Prior versions are accessed through the applicable Studio or through IBM Cognos Connection.
o Recovery of versioned specifications is done with the click of a button.
* Security is integrated within Cognos Capabilities.
o Enable and disable IVC features through the IBM Cognos secured functions and features.
* IVC Administration console integrated directly within Cognos Administration.
* Integrated Change Management with elaborate workflow.
o Report locking capabilities to prevent multiple Authors from simultaneous development.
* Support for an unlimited number of previous versions to be stored and recovered.
* Preview any two versions side by side visually to compare visual differences.
* Preview any two versions side by side programmatically (XML specification comparison) to compare syntax differences.
* Supports both Public and Personal (My Folders) authored content.
* Promote reports between development, test and production environments.
* Real-time studio monitoring to determine what users are currently editing which reports in a given studio.
* Broadcast messaging to users that are currently working in any studio information such as, “The server is going to be rebooted. Please save your work and exit.â€