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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => COGNOS 8 Administration => Topic started by: BIsrik on 24 Jun 2009 08:45:12 AM

Title: Report Execution time
Post by: BIsrik on 24 Jun 2009 08:45:12 AM

I am currently tuning a report which takes around 10 secs to execute. The report is very simple and sql execution time is hardly 2 secs. I am not able to understand what is cognos server doing in the rest 8 secs?

I also noticed that on click of the report in cognos connection, it takes 5 secs to show the timer or revolving box. I couldn't understand what is this 5 secs for, and where to trace the activities performed.

Please help.

Title: Re: Report Execution time
Post by: cognos_guru on 24 Jun 2009 11:46:46 AM

This could be due to multiple things.

1.)  Report Output Format - what output are you generating your report in?  Any output other than HTML will take longer to generate the report, this is because the full report has to be generated before the report is displayed, where as HTML output is generated one page at a time, that said...

2.)  What is your row limit per page displayed (defined in report studio) in HTML?  Some SQL development tools have an defined number of rows displayed at a time, this makes the data return faster as it does not all return at once. 

3.)  Perhaps your DBA's have put some type of fine grain auditing on the data your are trying to access... if you run the report against a database using a signon that is different than the user you login with to the sql development tool, there may be a difference
Title: Re: Report Execution time
Post by: BIsrik on 25 Jun 2009 01:40:40 AM
The report layout is HTML and i agree with your views if the db is returning the results late. But what i observer is out of 10 secs total execution time, 8 secs is consumed by the cognos server. I mean after 8 secs cognos sends the sql to the db. I wanted to understand what is cogos doing in these 8 secs and how can i reduce this time?
