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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: kulkarni on 23 Jun 2009 12:44:37 PM

Title: Screen Tip in Value Prompt
Post by: kulkarni on 23 Jun 2009 12:44:37 PM
This is in 8.4

We have a prompt page that has value prompt (mandatory). Value prompt is derived from a query Q1. Q1 gets the column "macroname" from a table T1. T1 has following columns
macroname (varchar(20), macroid (int), description (varchar(300)).

Everything is working as desired. We got a new requirement to show the description of each macroname in value prompt ... i.e. When the reports is run and prompt page comes up, if user hovers his/her mouse over any of the macros listed in the value prompt then it should display the corresponding description from table.

Does anyone have ideas on implementing this? Thank you.
Title: Re: Screen Tip in Value Prompt
Post by: kulkarni on 29 Jun 2009 08:51:03 AM
Anyone with any ideas on this? Thank you.
Title: Re: Screen Tip in Value Prompt
Post by: Gollapudi on 30 Jun 2009 04:45:07 AM
You need to go for Java Script using HTML items from the Tool Box... long back we have done that.. but now dont ask me for the script  :), but Im sure that can be done using Java Script.

Title: Re: Screen Tip in Value Prompt
Post by: kulkarni on 30 Jun 2009 07:42:54 AM
I have seen the KB article that discusses the use of HTML item to display tool tips on a list report.

However, I am in need of displaying it in a value prompt. Can you confirm if you did the same on a value prompt and not on a list/crosstab object?