I want take a contributor appli from à dev envirenement to prod,
and have some problems with the mapping of User group.
in developpement env i had some user group, I change my securité namespace and i change Right in the application
but the user group subsist in GetData extention,
so when i import the application in Production envir. i have a mapping probleme
if i see in the securité file of deployement i find this :
CAMID(":the name of deleted group X ") Not known Not known Not known
the you khnow where Contributor save it's user group and where i can remove this old user group
In the deployment folder, look for a subfolder called security. In that subfolder, you will find a text file called users. Open that with Excel for example and delete all rows containing "unknown". Alternatively you could delete the users.txt file, then you won't be able to do any user mapping when you import the deployment package, but you can of course just import a new rights file to the app when the deployment has finished
Thank you for help,
There isn't any way to delet this group of user from the Contributor Consol (CAC) ???
as far as i remember, this a bug of getdata extention in 8.3,.. you can find all users ids in P_REFERENCEDCAMOBJECTS table, but i have not tested to remove them to get rid of them during the deployment,.. a much more comfortable way was the one described by craig karr in the previous post - remove the users from the users.txt created during export.