I wrote two reports within 30 miinutes of each other - both are very simple and use SQL query subjects, which most all of my reports do.
When I run either of them by double clicking on the report title in Report Studio, they run fine. If anyone tries to run them with options, I get the following error:
Original Error: RQP-DEF-0326 User defined SQL is not permitted for the user who has the identity '{All Authenticated Users, Everyone, Authors, Consumers, #Financial_Aid}'.
RQP-DEF-0149 The query specification is incorrect.
RQP-DEF-0457 Referenced Query 'ktg' is not defined or its query items contain unresolved references.
After doing some research on those error ID's and checking permissions on the "user defined SQL" capability, I know what the problems aren't, but I have no idea what it is.
I've been all through the expressions and there aren't any prompts.
If you have user defined sql in your report, you need to grant the capability of "User Defined SQL" to your report consumers, with execute/traverse permissions. They will also need traverse permissions to Report Studio to get to User Defined SQL.