Security enabled in cognos 8.4.if i am running the report as consumer login.I am getting the Error as below.i can't able to see the properties of report studio in capabilities under security tab.I have checked the package capabilities(new in c8.4) there "Everyone" permission enabled.
The user does not have the assigned capabilities to use "HTML item"layout element.
Any help on the above will be appreciated.
You must be assured of two things :
You need traverse on Report Studio capability and traverse and execute on execute html items inside report studio capability.
If this not resolved the problem, check that your package have the read permission.
Thanks for your reply.
I can't able to select the properities of capabilities that i wonder in c8.4.
find the attached screenshot for where i am stucking
I cannot see the rest of your screen, but are you able to click on the "next page" arrow on the top right of this list ? I guess Report Studio is on the next page.
I can't able to select next page also in capabilities...
Please give me full printscreen so i can help you further
Please see document attached. I have put an arrow where you should click to see next page.
After that, you should see Report Studio capability
That is my pbm.i can't able to select anything.I have to know abt is there any pbm with the type of license.
It could be, are you the only admin of the system ?