Hi , .... today its been a tough day for me, unfortunately or unknowingly I did a blunder to day, Please help me
Problem: We are using 8.3 and in the portal tabs we will be having all over reports divided in to 5 port lets. we have two folders dashboards and drill targets in public folder and in this dashboard folder we have these portals. Today I deleted these folder instead of copy paste and we lost all the portal tabs. Now I could manually add those tabs again and I did that for couple of system but all our users lost these and there are unable to see reports ( It says : you cannot see this , may be they are deleted or you do not have proper permissions--- on the user screen), now how can I add those portals to all the users from the admin side. Going to each user and adding those portals is a bit pain.
Thank's in advance.
Use SDK to copy over portal tab to all users programatically. There exists sample java code in Cognos support. So it will take very less time for you to customize code and copy portal tabs to all users in one shot.
Let me know if you need any further details.