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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: ranjankumar on 11 Jun 2009 06:09:40 AM

Title: Reports output should save in local path
Post by: ranjankumar on 11 Jun 2009 06:09:40 AM
Hi ,

I have sheduled some reports , this ouput get stored in local of my machine . how to achieve this.
Title: Re: Reports output should save in local path
Post by: rockytopmark on 16 Jun 2009 12:46:45 PM
Unless your local machine is also the Cognos server, you will need some script to automate a copy of the saved output to your local machine
Title: Re: Reports output should save in local path
Post by: ranjankumar on 17 Jun 2009 06:15:12 AM
Are you saying it can done through Java script ? do you have anything mean please post it.
Title: Re: Reports output should save in local path
Post by: Birdie on 17 Jun 2009 10:36:44 AM
As an fyi, you can configure Cognos to save to a network drive.

I created a folder on the Cognos server and shared it. Then I created a view of the shared folder on the Cognos Server into a shared directory for the company. I save my scheduled reports to the folder and allow users to access them.

I'm fairly certain though that this can only be achieved in 8.3 or better. Let me know if you'd like details on how to modify Cognos Configuration to allow for this.
Title: Re: Reports output should save in local path
Post by: mc09 on 17 Jun 2009 11:00:20 AM
hi Birdie,
   is it possible to give the url address for the report generated? if this static report can be access by url, it will improve the performance for reporting system.
Title: Re: Reports output should save in local path
Post by: ranjankumar on 18 Jun 2009 11:16:19 PM
Hi birde ,

Kindly let me know the modify cognos configuration . Also to do any other feature  i would like to know what are all the things can be done in cognos configuration. is there any detailed doc about config ?
Title: Re: Reports output should save in local path
Post by: Birdie on 24 Jun 2009 10:30:54 AM
Hi- thanks to all for your responses. I was able to figure out and fix the issue. I had 2 pages for my report and they were set into a Page Set. The Page Set was skewing the output intot the directory folder for some reason.

I removed the Page Set and we're good to go!

Thanks again for you responses!!