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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => BI Modeling (Transformer) => Topic started by: halkosj on 10 Jun 2009 05:36:55 PM

Title: How to create an orphanage
Post by: halkosj on 10 Jun 2009 05:36:55 PM
How do we create a category to contain orphans? The instructions in the User's Guide are confusing. Steps 1 and 2 say:

1. Open the diagram for the dimension in which you want to create an orphanage category and click the highest (left-most) level, such as Regions.

2. From the Edit menu, click Insert Level, and specify the parameters for your new orphanage level.

What is this for?  I don't need a new level - I want to place umknown categories in an existing level

Step 3 is:

3. In the diagram, click on the right side of the Drill category, so that the pointer changes to a crosshair, and drag the pointer to a position under the new level.
When you release the mouse button, the Category property sheet appears.

We've clicked on almost every single pixel on the diagram - nowhere does the cursor turn to a crosshair.

Step 4 is:

4. Select "Category is an orphanage", specify any other required category parameters and click OK.

The only mention of orphanage on the Category property sheet is the word "Orphanage:"
Directly below that is a rectanguilar box with nothing in it. Its not a data entry field - just a blank gray portion of the property sheet window with a black rectangle on it.

So since nothing in the User's Guide resembles reality, what is the real way to create an orphanage?