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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: rama83 on 10 Jun 2009 07:01:41 AM

Title: QE-DEF-0405 Incompatible data types in case statement.Its Very Urgent
Post by: rama83 on 10 Jun 2009 07:01:41 AM
Hi All,

I am creating the report in Cognos 8.2 Report Studio.

Here i crated prompts on Year,Qtr,Month and Day.Here year-Number,Qtr-Char,Month-char and Day -date&time data types.And also i created one parameter for user selection
suppose in prompt page he select year he can see the year wise data............
Ex:-I created following Query item
Case Time_period
when ('year')     then (year)
when ('qtr')       then (quarter)
when ('month')  then (month)
when ('day')      then (day)
else (null)

When validating the query item i getting following error

QE-DEF-0459 CCLException
QE-DEF-0405 Incompatible data types in case statement.

Please any one give the solution its very useful for me
Thanks in advance

Title: Re: QE-DEF-0405 Incompatible data types in case statement.Its Very Urgent
Post by: CognosPaul on 10 Jun 2009 07:31:23 AM
If you're not referencing that parameter elsewhere, you can use a token prompt macro.


In the prompt, set the use value to reference the table items.

For example:
