Hi All,
I am creating the report in Cognos 8.2 Report Studio.
Here i crated prompts on Year,Qtr,Month and Day.Here year-Number,Qtr-Char,Month-char and Day -date&time data types.And also i created one parameter for user selection
suppose in prompt page he select year he can see the year wise data............
Ex:-I created following Query item
Case Time_period
when ('year') then (year)
when ('qtr') then (quarter)
when ('month') then (month)
when ('day') then (day)
else (null)
When validating the query item i getting following error
QE-DEF-0459 CCLException
QE-DEF-0405 Incompatible data types in case statement.
Please any one give the solution its very useful for me
Thanks in advance
If you're not referencing that parameter elsewhere, you can use a token prompt macro.
In the prompt, set the use value to reference the table items.
For example:
Use | Display |
[Database].[Time].[Year] | Year |
[Database].[Time].[QTR] | QTR |
[Database].[Time].[Month] | Month |
[Database].[Time].[Date] | Day |