I have one one application, which is rather large, that from time to time, my end users are not able to save their changes. You can press the save button, and the application thinks for a minute, but then nothing occurs as the changes remain "blue" rather than turning "black." I just had this same thing happen to me, and I was only logged in for a few minutes....running 8.3 if that is important. Has anyone else seen this problem?
Any chance you have got 2 versions of the local client install on your machine? i.e 8.2/8.3/8.4? I had the same issue with a number of users who had upgraded without deleting the "Cognos" folder in Program files before downloading new Active X....
we got something similar happening on a very large model, time to time, where users are unable to save, but on version 8.1, Oracle.
Does the save button stay "grayed" after it stops working?
In our case I tried all kinds of things to get it working. In the end a combination of triggering reconcile first will end up with a few nodes not being able to reconcile + later import of data ended up with all items reconciled. We also had a couple of restarts meanwhile.
Doyler2000 - as far as I know I only have 8.3 on my computer.....how do I confirm that I only have 1 local client installed?
Jaromir - the save button does not stay grayed out - after the initial attempt at saving the changes - the save button is still able to be pushed again.
I'm sure there is a more scientific way of finding out but I simply go to my computer->program files->cognos and if there are two folders (for mine its c8.3 and c8.4) you have two versions installed. I would suggest the problem is located somewhere within your Active X component - so if it is really troubling you maybe just do an uninstall reinstall of Active x.