I have 2 date prompts in my Report
Start Date,End date
If the user selects Start date> End Date then
a pop message should Popup saying
'Please select start date lessthan End date'
function customCheckPage(){
var par1;
var par2;
for( var i=0; i<preProcessControlArray.length; i++){
cntlName = eval(preProcessControlArray);
if ( cntlName.m_oSubmit.name.toLowerCase() == 'p_paramater name for start date'){
par1 = cntlName.m_oForm.value;
eval('pickerControl' + cntlName.m_sRef + '.lostFocus()');
if ( cntlName.m_oSubmit.name.toLowerCase() == 'p_paramater name for end date'){
par2 = cntlName.m_oForm.value;
eval('pickerControl' + cntlName.m_sRef + '.lostFocus()');
if (par1<=par2)
alert('Start Date must be less than or equal to End Date !');
for( var i=0; i<pageNavigationObserverArray.length; i++){
cntlName = eval( pageNavigationObserverArray );
if(cntlName.m_oParent.onclick.toString().indexOf('promptButtonFinish()')>0 ){
cntlName.m_oParent.onclick = customCheckPage;
....if it were me, I wouldn't do this with 2 prompts/parameters.
[my date] in_range ?p my_date?
...this will then generate the date range prompt object.
Unfortunately, it still won't stop a user from entering a "from date" that's greater than your "to date" ....but seriously, is it worth a whole load of extra code to prevent a user from doing this?
Hi Can u help in this --
help me out in knowing how to initialize a date Range prompt.
Let me explain the scenario..
I have a drill through report. I have a date range prompt in the child report assigned to a parameter say ?P1?
Now I am suppose to pass a value to this parameter ?P1?
1. I am not suppose to make any change to the child report.
2. In the parent report I have three kind of prompts:
Two date prompts- for start date and End Date(enabled only when my time bucket selected is Daily)
Two value prompts- For week start date and week end date ( enabled only when my time bucket selected is weekly)
Two value prompts- for start month and end Month(enabled only when my time bucket selected is Monthly)