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IBM Cognos 8 Platform => COGNOS 8 => Report Studio => Topic started by: phoenixfire on 02 Jun 2009 06:14:43 PM

Title: Drill-through from chart to list
Post by: phoenixfire on 02 Jun 2009 06:14:43 PM
I am trying to drill-through from a chart to a list in Report Studio 8.1.
I can setup the drill-through but for some reason, the parameters from chart are not passed to the list. Instead of using these passed parameters, the list prompts me again.
Any idea why this is happening?
Any help is appreciated.
Title: Re: Drill-through from chart to list
Post by: cschnu on 03 Jun 2009 02:24:57 PM
Did you set your drill through definitions to pass either a data item or a parameter?
Title: Re: Drill-through from chart to list
Post by: CognosPaul on 04 Jun 2009 01:20:15 PM
If the items being passed aren't displayed in the chart (keys for instance), make sure that they are checked off in the properties list.
Title: Re: Drill-through from chart to list
Post by: phoenixfire on 09 Jun 2009 12:45:06 PM
Yes I have setup the drill through to pass the data items to the list.

How do I check these passed data items in the chart? The only was I know is to associate the whole page with that query and then click on properties - check the data items that are passed.
Is this how you mean?

Thanks for the tips.
Title: Re: Drill-through from chart to list
Post by: CognosPaul on 10 Jun 2009 05:12:45 AM
When Cognos generates the SQL for any object, it only generates the items in the SQL necessary to render the object. If you attempt to do a drill-through based on an item that's not being included in the SQL, Cognos will just ignore that parameter.

Click on the chart node member in the chart. In the properties window you should see an option called "Properties". This window allows you to force certain items to be included in the generated SQL.
Title: Re: Drill-through from chart to list
Post by: phoenixfire on 10 Jun 2009 12:25:02 PM
Thanks a lot..that worked!!!
Never worked with charts much before..this really helps...
thanks again.
Title: Re: Drill-through from chart to list
Post by: Cognos91 on 05 Oct 2017 02:51:40 PM
I am trying to drill-through from a chart to a list report, but in CA 11.0.7 version. I am unable to view the properties for a given chart node member.