I have a cube automation script written using 'cogtr' and it is running without any issues when the session is logged in. If I log off the windows session the scheduled job is not executing.
any helps
Are you scheduling with Windows server ?
yes i am scheduling with windows scheduler. I found that whenever the schedule starts runnign then the transformer model is kept open and closes when the job finishes. I think cogtr needs to start a gui for starting the cube refresh.
thanks for your input
When you are logged in and run the script, do you get a prompt to enter your username/password.
If that is the case then you need to enter the signon information in the cube. Once you do that you will be able to use cogtr.exe
No mate. I am have already added the sign on info to the cube and it will not ask me the sign on information.
Can anbody is running the cogtr tool when the session is closed!!!
my script looks like this
cogtr.exe -n1 -c -g<CUBE_NAME> -s -p"E:\<FOLDER_NAME>\<MODEL_NAME>.pyj"
Mine look like this :
D:\..PathToCognos\cogtr.exe -i -n2 -s -nologo D:\..PAthToCube\cube.pyj
When looking at the scheduled job, be sure that "Run only if logged on" is disabled.
Also, the field "Start in" is the folder where the batch file is.
Hope this help!
Thanks dlafrance and redmist.
the 'run only when logged on' option is not clicked
Quote from: UseCog on 09 Jun 2009 02:27:34 PM
Thanks dlafrance and redmist.
the 'run only when logged on' option is not clicked
Is the solution worked or you still get the error ? It is not clear to me ;)
Have a nice day!
are you using the sa account created in active directory to log into the system to run the script??
Thanks your query.
No I am not using 'sa' account of active directory. I am using another account to access the transformer.
Maybe you should use a local administrative account and not an AD account.
I replied already to an other post - but have you tried this already:
Have you SingleSignOn within your cognos-environment?
If you have SingleSignOn you have to create a sceduled-task - and give him the Username and Password of a valid cognos-user.
I had the same problems - all login -k and -l and also -y1 did not work.
You can also use RunAs - and put a "cognos" valid username and password with it!
kind regards
Thanks andi,
can you please tell me what you meant by RunAs - and ...
It would be a property in the Windows Schedule Task where you can set the "Run As" option
If you open your schedule task properties, above you "Run Only if logged on" tick box, you should see the "Run As" option
This issue has been resolved by making some windows permission changes. Thanks for all of you for your help