I need to create a report that looks like a crossTab (right side) attached to a list (left side).
The report would have 9 columns on the left side and then 7 columns with a value of a [metric] for each line of the list.
Is that possible ?
Thanks !
hey sanchoniathon ,
In your report page add Table with 1 row and 2 columns and in that put your List in 1st column of that table and Crosstab in 2nd column of the same table.
hope it will help you
Thanks wij but i resolved my problem by simply creating a single crossTab that will look like this:
Lines: [Product#] [Product Name]
[Lost Amount metric] [Lost Qty metric] [Month 1] [Month 2] [Month 3]
Corner of crossTab (default measure)
Sales Amount metric. This will create the appropriate sales amount i needed for each month.
I am happy for the moment...
Good night !