In summary page i have from and to date prompt , while click the drill through
from summary , detail report will display. Date prompt ( date of ) value of
summary page should sit in detail page date prompt . so in detail i should have only 2 date parameters.
ex :
from date prompt value : jan/01/2009 To date prompt date value : jan/31/2009
Default date will be current date like below
from date prompt value : May/28/2009 To date prompt date value : May/28/2009
But i need like below in detail prompt ( from summary it should sit here ) :
from date prompt value : jan/01/2009 To date prompt date value : jan/31/2009
So in detail report i should use only 2 parameters not four parameters in details filter
Have a filter in the drill target report to filter out the data item using from and to date, then pass from and to dates from source report using Pass by Parameter method and have it displayed in your target report.
If you do not want to filter target report on from and to date but only want to display them in report page, create two data items in target report query From Date and To Date with expressions ?From Date? and ?To Date? respectively. Then have two filters in target report [From Date] = ?From Date? and [To Date]=?To Date?. Then pass From and To date parameters from source report to target report.
Hi Rajan,
Use the same parameter names for date prompts in Summary and Detail report.
Pass the from and To dates from the source report using Pass Parameter Value from Drill-through definitions.
Now the date prompts in your detail report will by default hold the values selected in your summary report.